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Your current cashback – 0%

Your maximum cashback – 0%

Tokens received: 0

To get cashback, you need to connect MetaMask wallet. Connect the wallet

NB! MetaMask wallet is connected for 72 hours. To get cashback, make sure that the wallet is connected.
How to buy BongaNFT? How to connect MetaMask wallet?
You don’t have BongaNFT yet!
For all BongaNFT owners, there is cashback up to 6% on Tokens!

What does it mean?

If you have at least one BongaNFT, once you purchase Tokens on Bongalive, extra Tokens will be automatically credited to your account as cashback!

What is cashback?

It’s easy!

You purchase Tokens, and at the same time you immediately receive extra Tokens - absolutely free of charge!

Purchasing just one BongaNFT gives you 0.5% cashback on purchased Tokens!

And it’s just the beginning!

Buy BongaNFT

Purchasing each next BongaNFT increases your cashback by 0.5%!

This way, you can get many more free Tokens!

Maximum cashback – 6%!

Maximum cashback available depends on the number of your BongaNFT!

Maximum cashback
If you have 12 BongaNFT and at least one of them has the number from 1 to 1000, your cashback will be 6%!
one with a number
from 1 to 1000;
Purchasing 5000 Tokens on Bongalive, you’ll additionally receive 300 Tokens as a cashback on your account!
Imagine you have three BongaNFT:
one with a number
from 6001 to 8000;
one with a number
from 2001 to 4000;
and one more with a number
from 1001 to 2000.
Each of these three BongaNFT increases your cashback by 0,5%, meaning that your current cashback is: 3 * 0,5% = 1,5% while your maximum cashback available is 5% (your BongaNFT with a number from 1001 to 2000 gives access to it)!
If you have 10 BongaNFT with a number from 8001 to 10 000, your cashback is equal to 1% (see the chart above).
Maximum cashback
When having at least one BongaNFT with a related serial number.
№ 1 – 1000
№ 1001 – 2000
№ 2001 – 4000
№ 4001 – 6000
№ 6001 – 8000
№ 8001 – 10 000

You can always sell your BongaNFT to other members on the website:
Campaign Rules

Cashback is credited only provided that MetaMask wallet is connected to Bongalive account. The wallet is connected for 72 hours.

Each BongaNFT purchased increases your cashback by 0,5%.

Maximum cashback available is 6%.

Cashback is credited once Tokens are purchased.

Maximum monthly cashback is 20 000 Tokens.

Cashback is not credited when purchasing Tokens with a discount.

Any user involved in fraud will be disqualified and will not get a reward.

Bongalive has the right to change the campaign rules, including the reward.

Bongalive has the right to cancel the campaign at their own discretion. By taking part, the members agree that in case the campaign is cancelled, they will not receive a reward.

Need help activating cashback?

Contact customer support!

You don’t have to understand all details and waste your time – just contact us, and we will help to set cashback from beginning to end!

The service is available only when activating cashback from 2% and up!

Contact customer support

P.S. Please mind that purchased BongaNFT are non-changeable and non-refundable, however you can always sell them to other site members: